Nataliya @ FotoDelray


When you step into a photo studio to capture those special moments, one term that often comes into play is the "sitting fee." This fee is a crucial element in the overall pricing structure of a photo studio and plays a significant role in determining the cost of your photo session. Let's dive into what exactly a sitting fee is and the various elements that contribute to its calculation.

The sitting fee is what a photographer charges for the time and resources allocated to your photo session. It covers the studio's overhead costs, including the photographer's time, equipment usage, and the general expenses associated with maintaining a professional studio environment.

Here are more details:

Photographer's Time: The core component of the sitting fee is the photographer's time dedicated to your session. This includes not only the time spent behind the camera but also the pre-shoot preparation and post-processing work. Professional photographers invest time in understanding your preferences, planning the shoot, and enhancing the final images through editing.

Studio Space and Equipment: Photo studios have costs for maintaining a professional-looking and comfortable shooting environment. This includes rent for the studio space, utilities, and the maintenance of high-quality equipment such as cameras, lighting, and backdrops. The sitting fee helps cover these essential expenses, ensuring that the studio can provide a professional and well-equipped setting for your photos.

Professional Expertise: A significant portion of the sitting fee goes towards compensating the photographer's talent, skills and expertise. Professional photographers bring years of experience and artistic vision to the table, ensuring that your photos are not just technically sound but also visually captivating.

Post-Processing and Editing: After the photo session, photographers invest time and money in post-processing and editing to refine and enhance the images. This meticulous process involves color correction, retouching, and other adjustments to ensure that the final product meets the highest standards of quality.

Administrative and Business Costs: Running a photo studio involves various administrative and business-related expenses, such as marketing, client communication, and other operational costs. The sitting fee contributes to the sustainability of the business, allowing the studio to provide a professional and reliable service.

You have options when sitting fee includes profession makeup and hair styling services and an option without them. The photo shoot can take place in our FotoDelray’s studio or in another location in the Netherlands, in this case a location rental fee and a travel fee would apply and we will always discuss it with you in advance.